Lasallian Service Internship (LSI)

Lasallian Service Internship (LSI)

Lasallian Service Internship (Jan 313)

The Lasallian Service Internship course, a tradition at Saint Mary's College since 1985, provides opportunities for students to engage reflectively with organizations that directly serve economically poor and marginalized populations, actively participate in community with each other and their assigned organization, and 探索 these experiences through the lens of the Lasallian mission.

LSI 2024飞片

Each student enrolled in the LSI I course is matched with one of several local organizations (traditionally including a preschool, 中学, 高中, 老年中心, 免费餐厅, and social service agencies), and prepares for their engagement experience through one site specific orientation and asynchronous academic/logistic preparations in the fall, and class time and accompanying assignments during the first four days of Jan Term. All other days (Monday-Friday, usually) during the remaining 3 weeks of Jan Term, students spend approximately 6-7 hours per day at their assigned organization.

Students check in at least weekly with their on-site supervisor, complete weekly readings and reflections, and meet as a class once a week for a potluck dinner and discussion.

A final paper captures students’ experiences and significant learnings connecting the course content with those experiences. 

If interested in the LSI course, please attend a required info session to learn more - see list of dates in flyer above. An application (brief Google form) is required, as is an interview to discuss the requirements of the course and service site placement options. The priority application due date is October 4 (to be approved to enroll in the course on your Jan Term registration day). If there are spots open after October 4, applications will be accepted until the course is full or until the end of October. 

ZOOM LINK for Info Sessionshttp://stmarys-ca.变焦.我们/ j / 99074818096?pwd=T1gxNVdjaVBrcFJYVCtZbEN1SG…


应用在这里 (Priority Application was due Oct 4; Contact Carrie - cak6 - to find out if there are any open spots in the course)



服务网站 (Community Partners)    
De La Salle Academy (Concord) LSI 2024 Site Report  
Monument Crisis Center (Concord)  LSI 2024 Site Report  
Catholic Charities of the East Bay (Concord) LSI 2024 Site Report  
Cristo Rey De La Salle East Bay High School (Oakland) LSI 2024 Site Report  
St. Mary's Center - Preschool (Oakland) LSI 2024 Site Report   
St. Mary's Center - Senior Community Center (Oakland) LSI 2024 Site Report  
De Marillac Academy (San Francisco) LSI 2024 Site Report



For 更多的 Information

Please contact Carrie Davis in the 任务 and Ministry Center for more information about the Lasallian Service Internship Jan Term Course. 

She can be contacted by phone at 925-631-4982 or by email at